Weight Management Program

Weight Management Program

Say goodbye to being overweight. With a Weight management program that has specialist doctors as your personal trainer. Include the loss-weight pen.

13,888 THB / set

Normal Price 19,200 THB

Say goodbye to being overweight!
With a Weight management program that has specialist doctors as your personal trainer.
Include the loss-weight pen.

Weight Management Program


What is Weight Management?

Weight management program that has specialist doctors and nurses who are intimately taking care of and following up on you. Recommended both exercise and eating behavior. Including personal exercise training and a loss-weight pen that will help you easily lose weight.


Had so many exercises but it doesn't work?

This weight management program will help you have more confidence, balance healthy and shape body. This program is planned and recommended by specialist doctors who will assist you and suggest a suitable way for your weight management.

This one is suitable for those who have been trying to lose weight but it still doesn't work, because weight control is needed to know about the problems, the causes. Some may have something detected, such as abdominal metabolic, the body does not metabolize the food, etc. that each person has different.






For more information

Telemedicine : 096-9173851
OR Line : @schtele click > https://lin.ee/3rXbOS3