HPV vaccine
วัคซีนมะเร็งปากมดลูก 9 สายพันธุ์ 3 เข็ม ราคา 18,500 บาท
8,900 THB / set
Normal Price 12,000 THB
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
Human Papillomavirus vaccine are vaccines that prevent infection by certain type of human papilloma virus, which cause greater risk of cervical cancer.
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine protect against; 4 valent (protects against HPV types 6,11,16,18) and 9 valent (protects against HPV types 6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52,58). HPV vaccine recommeded for women and men 9 to 45 years old and who have multiple sexual partners, women has had unprotected with uncircumcised men, men who is uncircumcised, and men who has sex with men.
HPV Prevention
• Cervical cancer
• Vaginal cancer
• Vulvar cancer
• Anal cancer
• Mouth and throat cancer
• Anal cancer
• Mouth and throat cancer
• Genital warts
Side effect
-Pain, swelling, or redness in the arm where the shot was given
-Other side effects including fever dizziness or fainting (more common among adolescents than others)
HPV vaccine-9 valent price 19,500 baht
HPV vaccine-4 valent price 8,500 baht
For more information, please contact
Line : @456nzter or https://lin.ee/GaHoIsp
Social Media : https://linktr.ee/intersamitivejchonburi