Sleep Test type 1 Include Admit 1 Night

Sleep Test type 1 Include Admit 1 Night

13,888 THB / set

Normal Price 16,000 THB

The Importance of Sleep
Having an adequate amount of unbroken sleep every day is essential for overall good health


      If you have problems such as having difficulties in getting to sleep, awaken at times during the night, snore loudly, wake in the morning not feeling energised and refreshed and feel constantly tired, these issues should be addressed and not allowed to persist.

Snoring; Is It Really Normal?
       Many people are familiar with snoring, either through their own experiences or those of someone close to them. It is not uncommon to come across the opinion that snoring is “normal”, but this is a misconception. Any regular occurrence of snoring should not be dismissed as a trivial issue as it can be an indication of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).
      Snoring occurs when the upper airway narrows. This can occur during sleep when the muscles maintaining an open airway become relaxed. This relaxation of the muscles can result in parts of the airway, such as the tongue, falling back thus narrowing and obstructing the airway. It is by breathing through this restricted airway that the sound of snoring is produced. There are other health risks associated with OSA.

Health Risks Associated with Sleep Apnoea:
      - High Blood Pressure (Hypertension).
      - Coronary Artery Disease.
      - Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart AKack).
      - Arrhythmias (Heartbeat rhythms that are either irregular, too fast or too slow).
      - Stroke.

When to Consult a Sleep Specialist; It is important you consult a sleep specialist if you experience any of the following.
      - Snoring with episodes of stopped breathing (OSA).
      - Feeling tired and unrefreshed upon waking in the morning.
      - Excessive daytime tiredness and feeling sleepy.
      - Sudden Sleep AKacks during the day (Narcolepsy).
      - Restless Legs Syndrome, where you feel the urge to move your legs before bedtime or at night.
      - Insomnia.
      - Teeth Grinding (Bruxism).
      - Circadian Rhythm Sleep/Wake Disorders.
      - Abnormal Sleep Behaviours (Parasomnias), examples of which are.
      - Sleepwalking.
      - Abnormal or Periodic Limb Movements during sleep (PMLS).
      - Nocturnal Seizures (Nocturnal Epilepsy).
      - Vocalisations during sleep (Rapid Eye Movement [REM] Sleep Behaviour Disorder).

What Can You Do If You Experience Any of These Symptoms?
       We would encourage to you to undertake a sleep test quality assessment. We offer such testing with the results being analysed by a medically qualified sleep specialist.

What is a Sleep Quality Test assessment?
      This type of testing monitors physiological changes that occur during sleep. The changes examined included:
      - Brain Waves, Muscle Tone, and Eye-Movements. These observations determine the depth and stages of sleep.
      - Heart Rhythms. These observations check for Arrhythmias during Sleep Apnoea episodes.
      - Breathing Patterns. These observations will differentiate between normal breathing patterns and those occurring during episodes of Sleep Apnoea.
      - Blood Oxygen Levels. These observations measure the levels of oxygen deprivation that may occur during episodes of Sleep Apnoea.

Sleep Test Check Up Test Promotions at Samitivej Chonburi Hospital.
Samitivej Chonburi Hospital offers three different sleep testing regimes. These tests are currently being offered at discounted promotional prices.


Home Sleep Test; Watch-PAT.
This test can be done from the patient’s own home without the need for a hospital stay. The test is undertaken by the patient wearing a device which is known as a Watch-PAT which is worn on the patient’s wrist like a large wristwatch. The test offers an accuracy comparable to in-hospital testing and may be more convenient for some people as it can be undertaken at home without the need for nursing supervision.
This test measures.
1. Sleep stages.
2. Respiratory Disturbance Index (RDI).
3. Apnoea-Hypopnea Index (AHI).
4. Blood Oxygen Levels.

Comprehensive In-Hospital Sleep Test Type 1 Full Night Sleep Test.
This testing is undertaken during an overnight hospital stay under medical and nursing supervision. The testing is to determine and diagnose Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders (SBD) as well as any other sleep disorders. 

Comprehensive In-Hospital Sleep Test Type 2. Split-Night Sleep Test.
      This methos combines both diagnosis and treatment in just one night. Undertaken with medical and nursing supervision the first half of the night involves diagnostuc testing for sleep disorders. During the second half of the night undertakes treatment to adjust and maintain positive airway pressure to avoid respiratory problems associated with Sleep apnoea. This done via a device known as a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine (CPAP). The patient is required to wear a face mask and the CPAP administers mild air pressure to maintain open respiratory airways during sleep to avoid incidents of Sleep apnoea. 

     Should you be experiencing any of the sleep related symptoms we have described we suggest you wait no longer and address the issues by taking one of our Sleep Health Test Programmes. Ensure you have good sleep quality and overall health by getting a sleep test today.


For further information, contact; Ear Nose and Throat Centre, Building B, 2nd Floor, Samitivej Chonburi Hospital.
Phone: 033-038-911

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