Dengue vaccine
⁃ New dengue fever vaccines is recommended for children and adolescent 4-60 years old.
⁃ A person can get infected by any of the four dengue viruses. Infection with one dengue virus does not protect against infection with the other three viruses.
⁃ The effective of dengue vaccine can against hospitalized dengue was 90.4% and prevent 4 serotype of dengue viruses 80.2%
⁃ Ages 4-60 need 2 doses of dengue vaccine with 3 months interval.
⁃ Side effects: pain and redness where the vaccine was injected, headache, muscle pain 1-3 days
4 serotypes of the dengue virus
4 serotypes of the dengue virus including DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, DENV-4
Dengue fever can be recurrence?
A person can get infected by any of the four dengue viruses. If a person had an infection by particular viral strain the body will develop immunity to that specific viral strain for life. However, a person will don’t have immunity to the others strain.
The severity of dengue fever infection.
Most common questions:
1. If infected dengue fever once, should be get a dengue fever vaccine?
Should be get dengue fever vaccination because of infection with one dengue virus does not protect against infection with the other three viruses and repeat infections will have more severity than the first infected.
2. When can get dengue vaccine after infection?
After infected 6 months before get vaccine.
3. Side effects of dengue fever vaccine
Most common side effects including pain and redness where the vaccine was injected, headache, muscle pain 1-3 days
4. Who should be get vaccine?
Who are live in an area where dengue infections especially Thailand.
5. Who should not get vaccinated against dengue?
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- People with congenital or acquired immune deficiency including immunosuppressive therapies such as chemotherapy or high dose of systemic within four weeks prior to vaccination
- HIV infection with symptomatic or asymptomatic.
For more information:
• Children :
Make an appointment for Dengue Vaccine at Children Center, 2nd floor Building A, Samitivej Chonburi Hospital
Opening time: every day at 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tel. 033-038968 or 033-038888 press 10218-10219
• Adult :
- Make an appointment for Dengue Vaccine at Wellness Center, 2nd floor Building B, Samitivej Chonburi Hospital
Opening time: every day at 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tel. 033-038871 or 033-038888 press 30201-03
Line SamitivejChonburi : Line ID ; @Dr.Samitchon / click link > https://bit.ly/SamitchonLine
- Line International Patient Assistance : Line ID ; @456nzter / click link > https://lin.ee/GaHoIsp